Euro CW Gathering 2014

Songtext from our famous cabaret evening

This wonderful song was texted and sung by Anna, Soo Tian, Manuel and Anne

CW Blowin' in the Wind

How many flats will the Noel Huis buy,
before they own the whole block?
Ho many fields will they have to squat
before they have a garden with a pond?
How many protest will Frits organize
before all the nukes will be gone?

The answer my friend ...

How many public soup kitchesn must Kana do
to make the blind city hall see?
And maybe they'll get even more volunteerd
if they say it's like a gym but it's free?
And what will htey have to put in the banner
to please all the bourgeoisie?

The answer my friend ist blowin' in the wind ...

On how many front covers must Martin appear
before he gets a saintly glow?
How many beds can be put into rooms
before the word "night shelter" has to go?
How many mince pies will the farm have to eat
before the rooms can be used more?

The answer my friend ist blowin' in the wind ...

How many catholics must join Brot und Rosen
before it will be Brot and Rosary?
How many beers must the children drink
befor it's truly christmas eve?
And finally there are people in Hamburg dong resistance
but looks like it's only the refugees.

The answer my friend ist blowin' in the wind ...

How many diamond rings must be given away
before we beome like Dorothy Day?
How many years must we be catholic workers
before we're as good as the USA?
How many communities will there be next year?
We think it's truly hard to say !

The answer my friend ist blowin' in the wind ...
the answer ist with the N.S.A. !!!

Pictures from Gerritjan